Logo Warehouses + Crowdsourcing – What Are They?

Logo Warehouses and Crowdsourcing have become popular sources for logos. These are like sweatshops for logo design. Basically, anyone needing a logo can provide a quick description of the company and product or service to a “logo warehouse”. Through the act of “Crowdsourcing” (described as the practice of obtaining needed services, ideas or content by soliciting contributions from a large group of people like an online community) one can solicit a new logo design. This often results in a bunch of people submitting their ideas and you choose the one you like. The ‘winner’ gets the money. And often the fee is at a fraction of the cost of hiring a professional designer.

So what’s the problem with this?

Essentially you are approaching a logo like it is a rubber stamp. Some little symbol or graphic you add into your stationery, website and marketing materials like it is an afterthought. The result from such warehouses is a graphic that has little to no thought or understanding about your business or it’s value proposition. It is not personal or unique but a generic graphic that lacks strategy. And we all know that a successful business is built on a solid strategy.

Hiring a legitimate graphic designer will do two things for you. First, they will learn your business, your strengths and weaknesses, your competition, your market and your messaging. A strong logo is one that takes all of these things into consideration. It is steeped in understanding. Secondly, they look at the logo and how it will be seen in context. Context are all the forums and mediums that your logo will be seen in and on. A logo never exists just floating in space but is always in some sort of context such as your stationery, website, twitter background, avatar etc. A good designer will consider all necessary spaces in the design process.

Essentially, logo warehouses and sweatshops do not attempt to understand your business in it’s entirety. They add little large vision value. So is this the start you want for your business. A brand developed with a lack of big picture vision?

Ok so yes a graphic designer will cost more. And in some cases a lot more. But in the end you receive a far greater bang for your buck. The logo will be based in understanding and thoughtfulness. It will support your business strategy and address your unique value. And it comes with a plan. The plan is usually in the form of a brand guideline document. This outlines how the logo should be used, what type is appropriate, space and color recommendations etc.

So if you’re serious about your business, be serious about your brand and your logo. Why have just the icing when you can have the cake too!